Sunday 1 May 2016

Photographer inspiration (Andy Warhol)

I came across pop icon Andy Warhol when researching for my new idea on alter egos. Andy Warhol was born on August 6th 1928 and died February 22nd 1987. He was an American photographer.

When researching I found that Andy did a project called self portrait in drag, which he collaborated with Christopher Makos. 

When looking at Andy's work I started thinking if I would place the alter ego outside of the models body or use props, make up, body language and facial expressions to show an their alter ego.
Warhol and Makos was influenced Influenced by Man Ray’s photographers of Rrose Selavy, the female alter ego of Duchamp, Warhol refused to hide his masculine face, using the wig and make-up to bring his androgyny to exposure and heighten his own mystique.

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