Sunday 1 May 2016

CR2 Basics photography Coposition, Baisc,Space & application

'What you see in the photograph isn't what you saw at the time. The real skill of photography is organised visual lying.' Terence Donovan (photographer) 

This is a quote from the critical reading that I found quite intreating, when reading this quote over and over agin you start to make sense of what Terence Donovan really means. Capturing an image using a certain angle or lighting to make it greater or weaker to a viewer. This made me understand that you want a to make you photo look or give off a certain message and to do that you need to place it to create you final image.

‘Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed.’ Garry Winogrand (photographer)

Here is another quote that stood out to me when reading this reading, linking to the first quote Gary Wingrand explains that the way the image is taken or they way it has been editing is a key factor of how people look at it. This shows me that placing the camera in a certain angle or space can show the way the alter ego looks to the viewers.

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