Sunday 1 May 2016

CR1 Ingledew, photography: loading_2005 (notes)

When reading through this reading I found certain quotes that show photography in a powerful light and how it explained photograph is a scientific way not just a creative way. A few quotes that stood out for me and was interesting for my own photos.

' The same camera can be a simple note taker or offer a deeply personal means of expression allowing the photographer to communicate his or her emotions', 

I would like my photos to be a reflection of what I think society is making young girls see as normal, this quote shows how because of my representation of this is shows my feelings towards society and my interpretation on how I think girls think towards this 'perfect' lifestyle and how young girls are in a never ending physical and emotional spiral of trying to be this definition of 'perfect'.

Another quote that stuck out to me was:

'Photographers bear witness to events for us; they inform and educate us through their eyes. The camera preserves things that are now past, allowing us to see things that would otherwise be unseeable.'  

Again this quote shares how i'm trying to show my meanings in my photos, bringing up an issue that is forever being debated but still looked over because societies judgments is now the 'norm'. This quote just highlights how a picture can bring up a theme or issue that can easily be put away and forgotten.

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