Tuesday 3 May 2016

Naming my images

When thinking of names for my images I wanted to create something that could go with my theme of representation, for this is decided to go with hashtags, because of the growing trend of social media for young people i thought using these as titles went with my theme well. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Final image '#Nomakeupmondays?

Within this image I like the position of the models and  alter egos head as well as the lighting that shines on the alter ego. 

Final image #wegonnaparyhard?

With this image I wanted to focus on the reflection of the image into the mirror. What i most liked is how I placed both the model and the alter ego into positions that suited each other and looked professional.

Final image #turndownforwhat?

Even though I liked when the alter ego and model looked like they were responding to each other, with this image i like the fact that they two were back to back making it look like they are a reflection of each other.

An aspect that did not appeal to ma about this image is the brightness and contrast with this image. Although I played around with these features in photoshop, I was still not happy with he end result.

Final image #LMFAO

Again i like how I tied the setting of this image to show how representation and identity are shown through objects. A dislike was how the mask pinned on the wall was in the middle of the frame making a viewers
attention go straight onto that detail instead of the main aspect of the image.

Final image #Degreemadness?

With this image I liked how I placed the alter ego, looking away fro the model and what she is doing, showing disapproval. The alter ego looking down at her phone i think gives off my main theme of really wanting to do something else. I placed the shot in a bedroom with pink objects around the room, which i thought showed the representation of how society thinks girls are.

A dislike I came across was maybe I could of made the alter ego and model connect a little more in this shot.

Final Image #healthylifestyle?

I chose this edit to be my final image of 'I do eat healthy, I do' i liked the fact that the girls are both looking at each other perfectly the way I wanted this image to come out. This create a personal feel between the two showing more of a relationship then a overlooking alter ego. With this first edit i decided that I wanted the alter ego and the model herself to be connect inmost if not all my final images.

Some dislikes I had with this picture is the background the two are placed in, because the three fridges are out of the centar of the frame it is distraction and create an unprofessional look within the photo.