Friday 29 April 2016

Photographers inspiration (Marc Riboud)

When looking throughout my work and feedback from my idea presentation I wanted to focus more on body language. I was also told to look into representation, culture and identity when planning for my final piece. From this I started to look into different photographers that use body language in their photos. 

From my research I found the photographer Marc Riboud who is a french photographer and was born 24th June 1923. He is most known for his extensive reports on the East: The Banners of China, Face of North Vietnam, Visions of China, and in China. 

A photo that grabbed my attention was this image

I liked this image and what it represents, I see someones opinion on what is going on the contrast between piece and war in one picture. I liked the fact that Riboud showed the contrast to show the women's taste and actions on whats going on. 

Another photo that caught my attention was this one below because of the actions that is being taken place in this photo compared to the body language on their faces.
The fact that they see these weapons as toys and a means of laughter creates a  tense feel to this photograph, showing how the the effects with war has in the country on the kids that are growing up around it. Showing a weird contrast of fun and death within this picture, 

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