Friday 29 April 2016

My idea change

When putting together my test shots on how body language can show opinion on a political view I decided that to put this clear to a viewer on a photograph it will be hard because of my low skills and understanding on how to create a good photo.

I decided to change my idea and go for something that still involves my ideas on body language, but in a way that I will be able to make a clear essay within these 6 pictures.  So I started to focus alter egos and how you want to behave when you are doing something you don't want to do. I started to do some test shots on what my new idea to see how it would work and how it would come out in a picture.

To try an create this alter ego feel to my photos I tried to edit them in photoshop by overlapping layers and playing with the fill and opacity. Then end result I came up with an image I wasn't happy with because I wanted so bits to be less transparent then the other. 
I decided to watch some tutorials and ask for some peer feedback to develop my skills in photoshop to help with my final piece. 

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